Does Ford Pass work in Canada?
The available technology in the automobile industry has progressed at incredible speed. Ford is on the cutting-edge of those developments, more often than not. Our manufacturing partner has developed a suite of applications, called Ford Pass, that will change the way people interact with their vehicle. So, does Ford Pass work in Canada? Yes, it does. By downloading the app on a compatible Android or iPhone, vehicle owners will be able to remotely start their vehicles and much more. The team of Blackstock Ford product experts working from home did a little research to help new and current customers learn about this incredible feature.
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What does Ford Pass do?
When a Ford vehicle owner downloads the Ford Pass application, they will be able to start their vehicle from almost anywhere and lock/unlock the doors. Also, owners will be able to schedule a time for their vehicle to start automatically. The most important lesson a vehicle owner needs to know to keep their car, truck or SUV in peak condition is to always stay on top of maintenance.
Ford Pass offers vehicle health alerts that will let an owner know when they need to schedule a service appointment – which can also be done right from the Ford Pass application.
If someone is exploring a new area, they will need to know what is around them. The Ford Pass application will not only tell the user if there is a gas station in the area but will also be able to filter search results by fuel grade and brand. Nobody likes to make a bunch of laps looking for a parking spot. Ford Pass can also let the owner know where a parking spot can be found.
The addition of a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot has really been a game-changer for vehicle owners. Ford Pass will also control the 4G LTE internet connection that can accommodate up to 10 Wi-Fi-enabled devices. Additionally, the signal can be accessed from up to 50 feet away.
If you have any questions about how to use this technology, make an appointment with a Blackstock Ford product expert today.